South Wicklow Coastal Streams
Between Wicklow and Arklow Towns (where the River Vartry and River Avoca discharge into the sea respectively) there are a number of small rivers and coastal streams who all hold great ecological significance in their own right.
The most notable of these are:
Three Mile Water, which discharges to the sea at Magherabeg beach
Potters River, which discharges to the sea north of the Northern car park at Brittas Bay beach
Redcross River, which discharges at the south end of Brittas Bay beach
Templerainy Stream, which discharges just to the north of Arklow town
In the second cycle (2018-2021) of the river basin management plan the Three Mile Water and Potters Rivers have been designated as priority areas for action. This means that these rivers have been identified as failing water quality standards and are in need of urgent action to identify and remediate any issues.
Coastal streams in south east Wicklow
Redcross River
Templerainy Stream
Potters River
Well known to visitors of Brittas Bay, Potters River arises 14km northwest of the sea between Glenealy and Rathdrum.
A number of small streams join it on its steady descent southeast. Near Brittas Bay the river enters an important sand dune habitat, winding in slow loops until it enters the sea near a promontory at the north end of the beach.
Three Mile Water
Three Mile Water and Furzeditch were originally two local names for parts of Ennisboyne. Three Mile Water is the name given to the river here, referring to the distance from Wicklow; where the old road crossed it higher up, between Newtown Bonabrocka, it is called Two Mile Water.