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Riverside Workshop: Wicklow’s Bluedot Rivers

You are cordially invited to our Riverside Workshop on Wicklow’s Bluedot Rivers.

When:         Sunday 21st May, 10am-3pm (Light Lunch Provided)
       Tinnakilly Bridge Park/ Sean Linehan Walk, Aughrim –

East Wicklow Rivers Trust (EWRT) & LAWPRO are coming together to deliver a ‘Blue Dot’ Water Workshop along Ballycreen Brook (Macreddin River), Aughrim.

To read more and to register for the event please check out the link –

Blue Dot waters, otherwise known as our pristine ‘High Status’ rivers and lakes, are precious habitats and have the greatest biodiversity and ecological quality. Unfortunately, where once there were many high quality waters across Ireland, recent decades have seen a worrying trend of decline. As a result of this decline, the awareness and protection of high status (‘Blue Dot’) waters has been highlighted as one of the main priorities of the River Basin Management Plan; So please come along and learn about our local Ballycreen Brook Blue Dot river.

Any queries please email/ call our new Community water Officer in Wicklow area – Justin Ivory / 085 882 0848. Please share this event with friends and relevant colleagues.

12 May

Trout in Strange Places

25 May

Reconnecting Wicklow Rivers