Does farming impact water more than water impacts farming?
East Wicklow Rivers Trust would like to welcome landowners and members of the farming community to this event, to discuss “Does farming impact water more than water impacts farming?”

Mammals of the Devil's Glen and Vartry River
Join us as we look for signs of mammals using the river
and adjoining woodlands.

An evening of river ecology and poems
Join the East Wicklow Rivers Trust and poet Jane Clarke for an evening of river ecology and poems on the Avonbeg River in the Glenmalure Valley on the 11th September meeting at 6.30pm

Exploring the Vartry - Celebrating Water Day
Join Wicklow Uplands Council for a special event celebrating Water Day as part of Heritage Week!

Vartry River Bird Watching
East Wicklow Rivers Trust invites you to a river birdwatching walk along the Vartry

Exploring pond ecology
An introduction by Ecologist Faith Wilson on the ecology of the pond at IDA Business Park Ballynattin Arklow

Riverside Workshop: Wicklow’s Bluedot Rivers
East Wicklow Rivers Trust (EWRT) & LAWPRO are coming together to deliver a ‘Blue Dot’ Water Workshop along Ballycreen Brook (Macreddin River), Aughrim.